The Sheriff’s Office Civil Division is staffed by a Civil Supervisor, a Civil Administrative Specialist and three (4) Civil Deputies.
Contact a Civil Deputy
- Glenwood Springs Office – (970) 384-3612
- Rifle Office – (970) 665-0203
- Email –
Civil Office Hours
- 8:00am – 5:00pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
- 8:00am – 4:00pm on Wednesday
- Closed Weekends & Holidays
The Civil Division and its Deputies will be glad to explain the process and policies we have for service of papers but shall not give legal advice at any time.
The Civil Division requires one (1) copy of paperwork to be served. Please retain all additional copies for your own records to help minimize mailing costs.
Exceptions to this are as follows:
- Writs of Restitution – Original plus two (2) copies.
- Summonses in Forcible Entry and Detainer – one (1) copy for every named defendant plus one (1) to post for “Any and All Other Occupants” when applicable.
A copy of these aforementioned papers will be relayed to the courts as a courtesy.
Fees for service must be paid in advance. Some types of service require a deposit so always call ahead to verify the amount needed. If you are due a refund, a check will be mailed to you and mailings are done once a month. If you owe additional fees for time or mileage, you will be billed and payment is requested as soon as possible after service. All fees for mileage are per mile, round trip. Fees for mileage on the fees list are based on “within city limits”. Additional mileage will be charged for trips that are outside of these limits. The Civil Office will not bill or send credits for amounts under $1.00. If you would like a refund for any amount under $1.00 please contact the Office and we will be glad to refund you in the next credit cycle.
Sheriff’s Sales
Certain property is sold by the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office Civil Division under Order and Decree for Judicial Foreclosure or Writ of Execution. Sheriff’s Sales are usually conducted in the lobby of the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office, located at 107 8th Street, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601, on Wednesdays. The Garfield County Public Trustee also conducts foreclosure sales. Their telephone number is 970-384-3451.
Return of Service
Your Return of Service will be e-mailed to you unless you specifically request a printed copy.
Attempted service of papers is based upon the information you provide. Please include all information which will assist us in successfully serving your papers. This information may include age, description, work hours, place of employment, vehicle description, etc.
The more information you are able to provide, the better the probability for successful service.
Additional Civil Process Information
- Civil Process Information Sheet
- Eviction Process
- Rental Assistance
- REQUIRED Eviction Acknowledgment Form
- Civil Fees
- Civil Standby Information Sheet
- Colorado Courts Page
NOTE: A copy fee of $0.25 per page will be applied for any printing that is done by our office.