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EMERGENCY 911 // Non-Emergency (970) 945-0453



At the request of the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, non-criminal fingerprinting will no longer be available at our offices. If you are in need of non-criminal fingerprinting, please visit CBI’s website for more information.

There are many reasons why one may need to have their fingerprints taken.  More and more organizations are requiring fingerprints to obtain employment or to become a volunteer.  One may also need to be fingerprinted to obtain a concealed weapon permit, a liquor license, a name change, adoption, etc.

The Garfield County Sheriff’s Office provides fingerprinting services using Identix TouchPrint live scan system. The use of a fingerprint scanning system allows for citizens to be fingerprinted quickly, easily and cleanly, without the use of staining ink. This system also allows for applicable prints to be submitted electronically, i.e. weapon permit, criminal justice employment, etc.

The GCSO can only perform fingerprinting for Out of State, Concealed Carry Permits, Sex Offender prints, Court Ordered prints, and GCSO Employment fingerprints. All other fingerprinting must go through Identigo or CBI.


Live scan inkless fingerprinting services are currently available at the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office in Glenwood Springs and at the Sheriff’s Annex in Rifle during normal business hours.


A $25.00 service fee is required for fingerprinting services. Payment is due at the time of service.

What to Bring

A valid photo identification is required to be fingerprinted. If you were given a fingerprint card, bring it with you. It may or may not be used.


Dear Applicant,

As an applicant who is the subject of a national fingerprint-based criminal history record check for a noncriminal justice purpose (such as an applicant for a job or license), you have the following rights regarding the use of your fingerprints:

  1. Your fingerprints will be submitted to the FBI and used to check the criminal history records of the FBI.  We will receive a copy of your Identity History Summary (hereafter referred to as criminal history record).
  2. If you have a criminal history record, the officials making a determination of your suitability for the job, license, or other benefit must provide you the opportunity to complete or challenge the accuracy of the information in the record.
  3. The procedures for changing, correcting, or updating your criminal history record are set forth in Title 28, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Section 16.34.
  4. Pursuant to 28 C.F.R., Section 16.34, if the subject of a criminal history record believes that it is incorrect or incomplete in any respect, he/she should make application directly to the agency which contributed the questioned information.  The subject of the criminal history record may also direct his or her challenge as to the accuracy of the information or completeness of any entry on his/her record to:

FBI Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division
Attn: Criminal History Analysis Team 1
1000 Custer Hollow Road
Clarksburg, WV 26306

If you have a criminal history record, you will be afforded a reasonable amount of time to correct or complete the record (or decline to do so) before the officials deny you the job, license, or other benefit based upon information in the criminal history record.

If you have any questions about this information contained herein please go the FBI’s website at

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