The Garfield County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Division is responsible for providing Law Enforcement Service for an area covering over 2958 square miles. Patrol Deputies are required to have knowledge in general law enforcement procedures, water rights, animal control, search and rescue, civil procedures, and wild land fire response. The Patrol division consists of Deputies, Corporals, Sergeants, and Patrol Commander.
The County is broken down into three patrol zones: West of Rifle is zone three, Rifle to New Castle is zone two, and east of New Castle to the Pitkin/Eagle County line is zone one. The Sheriff’s Office has an Investigations Division, Drug Task Force Deputies, K-9 Deputies, Civil Code Enforcement, and members on the Garfield County All Hazards Response Team.
Deputies follow a directive from the Sheriff to find solutions to citizen’s problems. This may mean referring the public to other resources to help resolve their issues. The phrase “there’s nothing I can do” is not an acceptable answer to a citizens problem and will not be tolerated in the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office. If you are not satisfied with the service you receive please contact a Patrol Supervisor by email at info@garcosheriff.com, by telephone during business hours at (970) 945-0453, or through dispatch if after hours at (970) 625-8095.