Regular VIN Inspections
To request a basic VIN inspection, please contact our main office at (970) 665-0203.
The Garfield County Sheriff’s Office provides VIN verifications and Certified VIN Inspections to its citizens. You will typically need a VIN verification when:
- Moved to Colorado from another state
- Purchased a vehicle from another state
- Other similar or special circumstances
VIN verifications may be obtained at the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office in Glenwood and at the Sheriff’s Annex in Rifle during regular business hours.
You must bring the vehicle to the office with proof of ownership at the time of verification. An authorized representative will perform the VIN verification and provide you with the completed verification form.
There is a $30.00 fee due at the time of service.
For more information regarding a VIN verification, please contact the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office during regular business hours at (970) 945-0453.
Certified VIN Inspections
A Certified VIN Inspection may be required in circumstances involving:
- Out of Country / Canadian vehicles
- Bonded Titles
- Purchased a vehicle without a title
- In need of a title corrections
- Salvage Titles
- Other similar or special circumstances
There is a $59.00 fee due at the time of service.
For more information on Certified VIN Inspections, please call (970) 665-0203 or email: